Swansea University


(1) St.Andrew’s-Swansea Neurobehavioural Outcome Scale – Request for Feedback

We are interested in exploring the extent to which the St Andrew’s-Swansea Neurobehavioural Outcome Scale is currently being used by healthcare professionals and service providers across the world. Specifically, we want to learn more about where, how and why the SASNOS is used; its perceived benefits, and how we could potentially modify/improve the tool to further to increase its usefulness to clinical and research practice. Your responses will help us to achieve this. The length of the online survey will naturally depend on how much detail you are willing to share. However, we estimate that it will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The survey can be accessed here: https://swanseachhs.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4TQg1gWhHzNQEo5

Before you decide whether to take part, you will be presented with an information page which explains why we are doing this research and what it will involve. After you have read this information page, you will be asked to complete a consent form. Please note that you are free to withdraw from the research at any point without reason or prejudice.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have any questions.



The following research studies are now CLOSED. Thank you to everyone who took part. Your help is greatly appreciated. 


(1) Validation of the Revised St. Andrew’s-Swansea Neurobehavioural Outcome Scale (SASNOS) – Control Data.  RESEARCH NOW CLOSED.

Volunteers needed for psychology research on the development of a brain injury assessment tool.

We are conducting research to revise and revalidate the St Andrews-Swansea Neurobehavioural Outcome Scale (SASNOS).

We are looking for individuals between 18 and 65 years of age, who speak fluent English, and have no history of neurological disease/injury to take part in a simple online study.

Participants will be asked to fill in a series of questionnaires online and it will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

If you would like to take part in this research, please click here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/MZSJ3GS

If you would like to discuss this research or ask the team any questions, please contact us: SASNOS@swansea.ac.uk


(2) Volunteers needed for Short Longitudinal Study to Validate Brain Injury Questionnaire.  RESEARCH NOW CLOSED.

We are conducting research to revise and revalidate an observational assessment tool commonly used in brain injury rehabilitation, known as the St Andrews-Swansea Neurobehavioural Outcome Scale (SASNOS),

We are looking for individuals between 18 and 65 years of age, who speak fluent English, and have no history of neurological disease/injury to take part.

You will be asked to attend two sessions in the Department of Psychology (Swansea University) two weeks apart and fill in a series of questionnaires. Each session will take last approximately 15-20 minutes.

If you are a Psychology student studying at Swansea University, you will receive three study credits as a thank you for taking part.

Please contact the team if you would like to take part in this research, ask us any questions, or would like to discuss further: SASNOS@swansea.ac.uk


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